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Water Resources and Wetlands Restoration Projects

Hultgren - Tillis Engineers' water resources work has been primarily for levee districts, municipal improvement districts, conservation agencies, water agencies, and private land owners.  More than half of Hultgren - Tillis Engineers’ professional effort in the last five years has been on flood protection infrastructure projects.  Hultgren - Tillis Engineers personnel have provided engineering design and/or evaluation on 30 dams and hundreds of miles of levees. 

Industrial Projects

Hultgren - Tillis Engineers has policies and procedures in place to meet the requirements for work at refineries and chemical sites including on-going substance abuse monitoring, industrial site safety training, and TWIC badges.  Hultgren - Tillis Engineers has a superior safety record.


Hultgren - Tillis Engineers’ personnel have provided geotechnical engineering for process structures, new and rehabilitated tanks, horizontal and vertical vessels, pipelines and pipe racks, pump stations, vaults, cooling towers, and other components of industrial plants. 

Marine Structures

Hultgren - Tillis Engineers experience with heavy marine structures includes: cantilevered, tied back and braced bulkheads, Open Cell Walls®, offshore gravity structures, cellular sheetpile structures, boat lifts, marine railways, revetments, and tidal gate structures.  Recent projects include two different tidal gate projects in the Delta, one for California Department of Water Resources across Threemile Slough between Sherman and Brannan Island and a pair of tidal gates on Old River and Connection Slough for the State Water Contractors.


Hultgren - Tillis Engineers was the geotechnical engineer for two marine terminals for bulk cement importing facilities in Redwood City and West Sacramento, a wharf replacement in Benicia, and seismic evaluation of a marine oil terminal on the Carquinez Strait.

Hultgren - Tillis Engineers' experience with wastewater and water infrastructure: pump stations, new and replacement sanitary sewers, wastewater outfalls, intake structures, maintenance buildings, lift stations, treatment ponds and embankments, treatment plants, and water delivery canals and pipelines. 


Hultgren - Tillis Engineers was the geotechnical engineer for all elements of Contra Costa Water District’s Middle River water intake.  The project consisted of an intake and pump station, a flood protection levee around the intake structure, two miles of 6-foot diameter pipe, and a tunnel beneath Old River.  As part of its assignment, Hultgren - Tillis Engineers developed geotechnical design criteria for the Open Cell® bulkhead, the temporary cofferdam, intake wetwell shoring, and tunnel launching and receiving shafts.

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